Sunday, January 1, 2012

We are resolved

On our way home from Christmas with the Baltimore cousins, Lisa and I came up with a list of New Year's resolutions, affirmations and life practices.

We won't let someone else define success for us. It's a matter of listening to that voice within rather than giving in to what others have to say. It's also a way to eliminate the negative effects of competition and comparison. After all, it doesn't matter what others think of us, only what we think of ourselves.

We have free will, but only within the context of what we know. We will strive to expand what we know.

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. It's the title to an old song, but the thought behind the words couldn't be said better. We can't change what nations do. We can't stop war, end poverty or feed all the hungry by ourselves, but we can make peace in our personal relationships, and by example, help others do the same in theirs.

In 2012, we want to fill our days with more "want tos" and less "have tos." When we have to do something, it's usually because we've let someone else take control of our lives. When we do what we want to do, we put ourselves in charge. Being in charge of our actions is to practice freedom.

Freedom comes down to personal choice and choice is an exercise of the mind. The choice is simple. "We make most of it up in our own minds," Lisa said. She concluded, "So make it up good."

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